
I decided to make my blog more festive since it is the holiday season. Isn't it cute? lol. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year. I went ornament shopping last night and it was so much fun. I moved out by the way. I'm still living in orem, but I live in a condo down by the freeway. I really like it. Its so much fun. I started putting up our Christmas tree yesterday and I had my Christmas music going and the tree is going up. I'm not done yet, but I hope to have it done before thanksgiving. My favorite food at AThanksgiving is the mashed potatoes and home made gravy, cheesy veggies, and cranberry salad. I'm so excited to see my sister and her family. I think its been about five months since the last time I saw her.
I'm also going to be taking a nail class so I can do the gel nails and those cute sparkly toes, plus holiday stuff to!! I'm so excited. Its going to be so much fun!


I went to see Twilight on Saturday and it was amazing!!! I'm now completely in love with Edward. I dreamed of him after I saw it and I woke up with him on my mind all day. I haven't even finished the first book yet, but now i'm so addicted to Twilight I can't wait to finish it and start on the rest of them. Alot of people didn't think that Edward and Bella fit together, but I thought they were perfect for each other. I know i'm not a big reader, but this I like. I can't wait to go see it again!!! I know i'll cry all over again.....yes i cried.......... i'm such a ball baby. lol
I heard that the fifth one is on the authors websight so if you are done with all the rest, you should start reading it online. Anyone want to go see it with me?