
Pray for me please!!!!

I applied for a reception job yesterday and got an email this morning wanting to set up an interview! I'm so exited!!!!! I really hope I get this job, because that would mean I don't have to move home and I will be making almost double what I make now!!! Please pray for me!!! You have no idea what that would mean if I was able to get it. Thank you!!!


Thanksgiving was so much fun! It was so fun to have all of the family together. I don't think that we have had everyone together in a few years. We also did family pictures which was nice because we haven't done that in about six years!! So long ago. Our family has gotten so big since then. I can't wait to one day start a family of my own. Last night I got to hold a friends baby who was only 5lbs.!!! So CUTE and tiny!!! I really got baby hungry. I love this time of year!!
Also, when I went to Boston, I met a guy out there who is a friend of Martha's. So, we talk almost every day and he is coming out to visit me for my birthday! I'm so exited!!!!! His name is Peter, but I call him Pete. He is cute, super nice and soooo funny!! He just bought me a web cam so I can now talk to him, and see him. We are talking through Skype, but my computer doesn't have everything. I can see and hear him, but he can't see or hear me! I think its funny, but I guess he was getting impatient and frustrated so he just bought me one! lol He seems like a really good guy. Nothing is official yet dating wise. We are just taking things slow and getting to know each other. I'm exited for him to see his Christmas present. I'm pretty sure he will love it!
I'm glad I know what I'm getting everyone this year! No stress = more fun!! Things are going well in my new ward. They are all nice people. Still looking for another job. And that about raps it up!!


I finally uploaded a current picture of me! After how long of having a blog! I know..I know... you think I would have figured it out by now! sheesh!



Catch Up Time

Wow, so much has happened in the past little while. I am now single and loving it! I'm so grateful for my family and friends who stood by me and helped me. I'm so grateful for the gospel and spirit and how it has helped me...even though I am to nice and stubborn at times. I don't like to hurt other peoples feelings which can usually get me in a pickle because I don't stand up for myself. I'm learning this.......again... ugh!! Sometimes I even frustrate myself because you think that I would have learned by now. Well, that is what experiences are for....even though they are hard.

Well, I moved into my new house and it is so fun. This is totally the party house. My roommates are the social spotlight of the ward and we have people over at least 4 times a week if not more and have game night at my house every Sunday. Its way fun, but also is really frustrating at times because I can hear everything that is going on because we have hollow walls and wood floors which are so thin I can here a conversation from down stairs in my room! Solution..... ear plugs.... and they are pink!! lol

I just got back from Boston on Tuesday. It was so much fun! It was the shortest vacation ever! I wish I could go back. I would love to live there some day. I went to visit my friend Martha with my friend Lindsey and her cousin Carli. We went to Salem, RI, did the freedom trail, saw the USS constitution, Mayflower, cliff walk in RI, and of course Boston common, and the gardens. I even got to go to Cheers! Its now a restaurant with a kids menu.. but still a bar. lol I know weird huh... but still cool. I took so many pictures but I don't have a cable to my computer, so I can't put on any until I get one or find someone who has one...anyone.. anyone?

I am now an aunt again for the 24th time! Jeni had little Brennen who is so cute... of course the day I left.... so mad!! I can't wait to go see him! I'm so exited! I just love my big family. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope I can have a nice size family as well. I can't wait to find my man and marry in the temple for eternity and raise a family in the gospel. Get that...MY man! lol jk.

I'm now looking for a new ward as well... the guy I broke up got a job at my work while I was in Boston.....so now he is in my ward, he works right next to me, he goes to every activity. So it is almost impossible for me to move on..or him either....ugh! So frustrating!! Can you say stalker!!!..... at least that is what it seems like.

I am also now full time at my morning job with Stores Online. So now I work there 7-3 then at the Salon in American Fork from 3:30-7. Long hours and really tired feet. I need a foot massage... any offers??? Better yet a full body one would be much better! Well, any ways.. things are going well. I have my amazing family, two jobs, a place to live, my health, the gospel, a car, HG, awesome friends... life is so good! Well, this is a lot of catching up to do so I'll stop writing a novel now. I promise I will post pictures some time..hopefully sooner than later. Love you all!!


Wow a lot has happened. I moved into a new house on Saturday still in Orem. But I don't get to live there till this next Saturday. they are remodeling the house for us. How nice is that? So i'm living at my parents for a bit. The house I was living at was fun but the roomate situatation got a little out of hand and I needed to move out. They were being very rude to me and i didn't like being treated that way. So now I'm moving in with some other girls. I think this will be a much better situation, even though we all have strong opinions. ha ha lol. it will be fun. We are all very real and honest. So ya...... My ward is still awesome and I love it! There are so many people getting married! I have two bridal showers in the next week. CRAZY!!! Any ways, this whole boy thing is so complicated. We aren't offically dating at the moment but we are not dating other people... its complicated... mostly on my part... maybe I'm just scared and need to give this realationship a chance. I don't know. whatever!! lol. I'm just going with the flow and seeing how things are going. Honestly they are going really well. We have so much in common and even finish each others sentences! Its really fun and wierd at the same time. Oh ya! Only one more month and i'm going to Boston!! I'm so exited I can't wait! Its going to be a blast!


So its been a long weekend. I broke up with my boyfriend on Saturday. He is having a really hard time understanding this because he is just a recent convert as of three months ago. He doesn't understand that when it doesn't feel right to end things, and that its the spirit telling you those things. I feel bad that he doesn't understand, but I don't want to lead him on. He wanted to start over and take things slower if that was the case, but I told him that isn't how it works. I wanted to give him a chance because I'm just so dang nice! UUHH the curse! He is a super sweet, nice guy, but he needs to understand that I want certain things and I'm not willing to settle. He new of a lot of things that I wanted but he wasn't willing to compromise or work on those things if it was going to go further, which is why I ended it. I think this must have been a mini test for me to see if I was willing to give in at all and settle or listen to the whisperings of the spirit, and family and friends. I will let you know that I'm not willing to settle. I feel bad that I had to do that, but not bad enough, which is probably a big sign that it definately wasn't right. I wasn't head over heals for him at all. I know what I want and if I have to date a dozen more guys to get it right then I guess I will..... but I hope and pray that I don't have to!! We are still really good friends and probably will be for a while.

Well, on a better, happier, postivie note.... I'm going to Boston in September!!! WAHOOO!!! I'm so freakin exited! My friend Lindsey called me on Friday and said she found tickets for $200 round trip! How awesome is that! So we are going together! My friend Martha moved out there in March so I'm going to stay with her while I'm there. I'm going a whole week and I'm so exited to see her. I still can't believe that I'm going! I better start saving some money so I can do things while I'm there! I love the Boston temple, let me just tell you that! It is so beautiful! This is going to be a BLAST!!! I know I'm going to get picture happy again!!! I need to learn to control my fingers!!


Hey, sorry its been a while. I've been so busy lately! Last week I went up to Logan with my ward and we went to Martin Harris' grave, boating, kayaking, tubing, and I camped outside. It was a blast! But the highlight of that trip for me was the Oquire Mountain Temple open house. It was so beautiful and the spirit was so strong. I think I had a perma-smile the whole time and the rest of the day. It was such a neat experience. I teared up a little to...little week me! I can't wait till I'm able to go through the temple and receive my endowments and one day get married. I know that will be the greatest experience. I can't tell you enough how much I love to feel the spirit. I'm greatful that I'm worthy to go to the temple and do baptisms. I'm trying to do better. I haven't gone in a month and I know I can do better than that. Well, other than that not much is going on. Tomorrow I'm going to the Joseph Smith movie up in Salt Lake with my boyfriend and another couple. I'm SSSOOOOO exited! I ball every time I see it. Also On Saturday I'm going to be running in the Strawberry Days 5K....can you believe me...running a 5K? I know... weird. But I have never done something like this before, which is one reason I'm doing it. Plus its not that far. Hopefully tomorrow I'll also be going to the Strawberry Days rodeo with a bunch of people. I love rodeo's! They are so fun!!


Last week I was able to go to woman's conference with my Mom and my two sister's Andrea and Diana. It was such an awesome experience. I learned so much about being who I want to become and being an example to my family. I learned how to prepare for my future family and what I need to do to be organized. Also how to listen to the spirit and act on those promptings. I learned a lot from my older sisters as well. Just being around them I'm able to learn and pick up such great ideas. I hope that some day I can become a mom and wife like all of my sisters, and especially my Mom.


General Conference was sooooooo amazing this year!! For some reason I was really emotional and cried a lot. I loved all of the talks, but one of my favorite was D. Todd Christopherson. His talk was so insightful and I learned so much about the most basic things, but in a different way. It was fun to see how other people interpret things. The spirit was so strong. I just loved it!!! Elder Holland's talk was also so good!! It was a great Easter talk on the Savior and it was just so awesome! This year I was spiritually fed and I loved it! I must have been craving it really bad.
Also I gave a talk a couple weeks ago on the restoration. That is one of my favorite topics because last October I was able to go on a church history tour with my parents and sister. I learned so much about the restoration and the church and about Joseph Smith and what he went through to restore the gospel and all of the persecution he had to withstand. I would love to do that again someday....hopefully with my own family.


Jessica had her baby last night!! I'm so happy!! His name is Ryker Daniel Gibb. Isn't that just the cutest name? I've been getting really baby hungry lately. I was in church on sunday and there was a family ward getting out, and I saw all of these cute kids. I started "crying" as they walked by. I'm such a big baby, but I just felt so strong at that time that that is what I've been put on this earth to do... be a mom. I can't wait till I have a family of my own. I have such wonderful examples in my family also of moms... all of my sisters and sisters-in-law, grandmas. And especially my Mom who is the greatest Mother I know. Mom I love you!! Thank you for all that you do!! I hope I can become a mom like you.


Well, I moved again. I still live in Orem, but I live in a house with four other girls. We all get our own rooms. I live in the basement and I get my own bathroom!! How stinkin cool is that?! I'm excited. I've lived there almost three weeks now and everything is going really well. My roomies are really nice. My salon is closing in a few days so I had to find anther salon to work at. So now I will be working at a salon called Capelli, still in American Fork. I'm currently working at a salon called David Douglas in the river woods, but its just temporary. Also I'm in a new ward. its really big! they have two elders quaroms!!! WOW!! LUCKY ME!!! lol ha ha ha.