
Wow a lot has happened. I moved into a new house on Saturday still in Orem. But I don't get to live there till this next Saturday. they are remodeling the house for us. How nice is that? So i'm living at my parents for a bit. The house I was living at was fun but the roomate situatation got a little out of hand and I needed to move out. They were being very rude to me and i didn't like being treated that way. So now I'm moving in with some other girls. I think this will be a much better situation, even though we all have strong opinions. ha ha lol. it will be fun. We are all very real and honest. So ya...... My ward is still awesome and I love it! There are so many people getting married! I have two bridal showers in the next week. CRAZY!!! Any ways, this whole boy thing is so complicated. We aren't offically dating at the moment but we are not dating other people... its complicated... mostly on my part... maybe I'm just scared and need to give this realationship a chance. I don't know. whatever!! lol. I'm just going with the flow and seeing how things are going. Honestly they are going really well. We have so much in common and even finish each others sentences! Its really fun and wierd at the same time. Oh ya! Only one more month and i'm going to Boston!! I'm so exited I can't wait! Its going to be a blast!