
Summer Time

WOW!!! A lot has happened in the past couple months. I hope I can remember everything. My job is still going great. Its a great place to work. I'm never bored and always busy! I get along really well with my co-workers. I made two really nice fun friends named Ashley and Elizabeth. They are both non members but we have a lot in common and hang out and get a long really well. They ask me questions about the church all the time. Its fun to talk about what I believe and do. They have been told some really funny things about Mormons!! like we can't eat chocolate or caffeine. I told them that we can have chocolate and caffeine. I was really surprised when I heard some of those things. lol
I broke up with Pete a month ago. It just wasn't going to work out. We were on two totally different pages and levels. He distanced himself from me from the day I moved out here. I was not happy and was sick of not being myself.
But funny thing is.... I met a guy the week I moved out here at a ward activity/dance. We were both dating other people at the time. When I saw him I was like.....wow....He is so freaking handsome! So, while my ex was ignoring me as usual, I went and talked to him and another guy. The three of us hung out for a while. I found out that the one I was interested in had a girlfriend. I new she was a lucky girl to catch him!! Well, a couple few weeks later, I was having another hard day so I went with Rhonda and her mom to get there hair done so I wasn't sitting at home crying. When I got in the car, guess who was in there as well....Diego! I didn't recognize him because he had a beard and long hair cause he hadn't shaved in a few weeks and he was working for Gini next door! When I got in the car, he imediately made conversation and we talked while Gini was taking him home. I was so impressed about how he talked about his girl at the time, and such a hard worker he is. Well, long story short, a couple weeks later he broke up with his girl because she didn't know what she wanted and was going to spain. I must admit, when I found out they broke up I felt bad, but was glad inside...lol
I new things weren't going well with Pete and I. I was tired of being unhappy and not being treated nice. At this point I hadn't seen Pete in a month. He wouldn't return my calls or come over, so with no other choice I texted him and ended things. So I changed my status on FB and then Diego started writing me and gave me his number. When I was in Palmyra he texted me the whole time and asked me out. So now we are dating. Can I just say I haven't been this happy in so long! He treats me so amazingly and would do anything to be with me and for me. We hit it off so fast. I feel like I have known him for more than a month. We love spending time together and just being with each other no matter where we are. We get a long really well and can talk about anything. I can totally be myself around him. Everything has been so natural.
So far this summer I have been to Palmyra, and saw the pageant, sacred grove,Boston temple doing baptisms, spent the fourth of July with my friend Martha up in Boston. So far its been a great summer. Also I bought a new car, but when I was driving back from Connecticut last week, the engine died and the motor is locked up...my warranty was over my miles and the dealer wouldn't do anything. So now I have to pay for it. But luckily, Diego said he would help me out. How nice is that. I didn't even ask. Well, that is the update for me!

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