
Hey, sorry its been a while. I've been so busy lately! Last week I went up to Logan with my ward and we went to Martin Harris' grave, boating, kayaking, tubing, and I camped outside. It was a blast! But the highlight of that trip for me was the Oquire Mountain Temple open house. It was so beautiful and the spirit was so strong. I think I had a perma-smile the whole time and the rest of the day. It was such a neat experience. I teared up a little to...little week me! I can't wait till I'm able to go through the temple and receive my endowments and one day get married. I know that will be the greatest experience. I can't tell you enough how much I love to feel the spirit. I'm greatful that I'm worthy to go to the temple and do baptisms. I'm trying to do better. I haven't gone in a month and I know I can do better than that. Well, other than that not much is going on. Tomorrow I'm going to the Joseph Smith movie up in Salt Lake with my boyfriend and another couple. I'm SSSOOOOO exited! I ball every time I see it. Also On Saturday I'm going to be running in the Strawberry Days 5K....can you believe me...running a 5K? I know... weird. But I have never done something like this before, which is one reason I'm doing it. Plus its not that far. Hopefully tomorrow I'll also be going to the Strawberry Days rodeo with a bunch of people. I love rodeo's! They are so fun!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

FUN FUN!!! Also I want to meet the boyfirend on the 4th. I'm am excited. :)