
Catch Up Time

Wow, so much has happened in the past little while. I am now single and loving it! I'm so grateful for my family and friends who stood by me and helped me. I'm so grateful for the gospel and spirit and how it has helped me...even though I am to nice and stubborn at times. I don't like to hurt other peoples feelings which can usually get me in a pickle because I don't stand up for myself. I'm learning this.......again... ugh!! Sometimes I even frustrate myself because you think that I would have learned by now. Well, that is what experiences are for....even though they are hard.

Well, I moved into my new house and it is so fun. This is totally the party house. My roommates are the social spotlight of the ward and we have people over at least 4 times a week if not more and have game night at my house every Sunday. Its way fun, but also is really frustrating at times because I can hear everything that is going on because we have hollow walls and wood floors which are so thin I can here a conversation from down stairs in my room! Solution..... ear plugs.... and they are pink!! lol

I just got back from Boston on Tuesday. It was so much fun! It was the shortest vacation ever! I wish I could go back. I would love to live there some day. I went to visit my friend Martha with my friend Lindsey and her cousin Carli. We went to Salem, RI, did the freedom trail, saw the USS constitution, Mayflower, cliff walk in RI, and of course Boston common, and the gardens. I even got to go to Cheers! Its now a restaurant with a kids menu.. but still a bar. lol I know weird huh... but still cool. I took so many pictures but I don't have a cable to my computer, so I can't put on any until I get one or find someone who has one...anyone.. anyone?

I am now an aunt again for the 24th time! Jeni had little Brennen who is so cute... of course the day I left.... so mad!! I can't wait to go see him! I'm so exited! I just love my big family. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope I can have a nice size family as well. I can't wait to find my man and marry in the temple for eternity and raise a family in the gospel. Get that...MY man! lol jk.

I'm now looking for a new ward as well... the guy I broke up got a job at my work while I was in Boston.....so now he is in my ward, he works right next to me, he goes to every activity. So it is almost impossible for me to move on..or him either....ugh! So frustrating!! Can you say stalker!!!..... at least that is what it seems like.

I am also now full time at my morning job with Stores Online. So now I work there 7-3 then at the Salon in American Fork from 3:30-7. Long hours and really tired feet. I need a foot massage... any offers??? Better yet a full body one would be much better! Well, any ways.. things are going well. I have my amazing family, two jobs, a place to live, my health, the gospel, a car, HG, awesome friends... life is so good! Well, this is a lot of catching up to do so I'll stop writing a novel now. I promise I will post pictures some time..hopefully sooner than later. Love you all!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey you, it is great to see you have a blog. You do need to get pictures on your blog though I looked at every post and did not see one. I am so glad you found me. I hope all is well with you. Sounds like you are busy. We do need to talk give me your number and we can talk sometime.