
Flowers and Swiss Rolls

I've been having a rough couple of days and I was just about at my breaking point today. But, around lunch time when I was at work, I saw someone walking in with flowers. When she got closer, I realized it was Sarah, Martha's sister. She gave me flowers and swiss rolls from Martha!!! All I can say it totally took me by surprise and made my day. I really needed that. No one has ever gotten me flowers before,or had them delivered! That was extra special. Thank you Martha for all that you do and for being such a great friend and always being there for me. Its great to know who your true friends are, even if they are 2000 miles away.
The thing with the swiss rolls is we were having a previous conversation and she asked me if I was at her house relaxing, what I would be eating at that time and I told her swiss rolls, ice cream and pizza. I thought that was very sneaky! lol I'm so greatful for friendship and love from others. I'm extreemly greatful that I was able to serve in the Relief Society Presidency with Martha and get to know her and become great friends. You never know how you can brighten someone's day by doing simple acts of kindness. Its great to know that someone cares about you. She was my angel looking out for me today.
I'm also trying to find a job to move out there, so please pray for me that it will work out. I love the east coast! It is so pretty out there! I especially love Maine. If you have ever been to the east coast, you would know what i'm talking about. There is so much character in the architecture and in the cities and the people. I think it is much prettier than the west coast, but also very different. I think it would be a great opportunity for me to experience new things, new places and new people.


New year, new adventures, new life

Well, lets see what is new....Christmas was super fun. I got what I wanted, which was a crock pot and a battery powered screw driver. Two very different things but I really wanted them. You always need them and you can find great uses for each of them. I also got some old movies that I grew up on, a gas card, potato masher, cook books,recipe cards, and of course candy. Dad got me a flying monkey this year for our toy. Its so funny! I spent new years with my friend Tiffany and Rachelle and her husband up in Bountiful. We had a lot of fun drinking Martinellis Cider. LOL I'm still looking for a better paying job. It looks like I'm not moving at the moment. I'll be owning my car this month free and clear! I'm so exited! NO more debt!! That is such a nice feeling! Pete is coming in about two weeks. I'm super exited! We will see how things end up going. But either way, we will be great friends. I'll try to upload pictures from Christmas asap. I really need to get better at doing that. Oh ya, I got a new lap top!! I love it! It works so much better and faster! It was badly needed.
I have a few new years resolutions, but they are not the typical. The main ones that I will mention are make someone smile every day, go to the temple at least once a month. I figure I can't go to wrong with those. If I try to do the whole loose 15 pounds I don't think it will happen. So I will say get more tone because muscle weighs more than fat so a number isn't to important. Another one is be optimistic for the future and look for the good in others. The rest of my new years resolutions are personal but I'm really hoping things work out.