
A new year

Wow, so much has happened in the past month!!!! Pete came down for my birthday!! It was so much fun! He made me breakfast for my birthday, then I showed him the Draper and Oquirrh Mountain Temples, then he took me to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. The next day we went to lunch at Tocanno's because I had a free meal coupon for my birthday, then went bowling that night with some of his friends. Then later that night we pulled the boys around on a snowboard tied to the back of a Jetta around Provo(not on main roads). That was super fun! I got some of that on video. Then on Saturday we spent the day up in salt lake walking around temple square and seeing this is the place monument, had lunch and dinner at gate way, saw the Joseph smith movie and enjoyed the view from the top of the building, then went hot tubing. It was so much fun. I really like him a lot. He is such a great guy and i miss him tons. I like everything about him and I enjoy learning new things each day. He makes me want to be a better person in so many ways. I love that he has goals and that he is so strong in the church and has such a strong testimony. He would do anything for anyone. He knows what he wants and knows how to get it...aka...ME!!! LOL He is an awesome cook and plays the piano so much better than I do..but he can't even read music. He just hears it and then plays...that is so cool. I can't wait to go out there in a couple months and see him. I love it out there. I love the history and the culture. Its so different than here in happy valley.
Well, That's about all...oh wait!! I got a mini promotion at my job. I am the new part time receptionist and I love it! I work 8-5 now. I don't know what I'm going to do about the salon. I think I'll just do clients at home or their homes. Ok..I'm done now...

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